Sunday, February 17, 2013

The Flick: Django Unchained

The Peeps: Jamie Foxx, Christoph Waltz, Kerry Washington, Leonardo DiCaprio, Samuel L. Jackson, Walton Goggins, etc.

The Dealio: Foxx's Django, literally in a chain gang, is liberated, then recruited, by German dentist-turned-bounty-hunter, Dr. King Schultz (Waltz) to help him ID, then kill, two miscreant overseers. Along the way, a deal is struck  whereby Django wins Schultz's training, expertise and entree into sophisticated plantation society, in order to rescue the ex-slave's wife (Washington). Much blood-splatter, excruciating 'slave-violence' and rewriting of history occurs. This is how you know you are seated in a Tarantino movie. At almost 3 hours, this is far too long an indulgence, but the story is a good one, well worth the telling and heavy on the attention-grabbing characters (DiCaprio's rotten-toothed and even more rotten moralled Calvin Candie and the always-watchable Jackson's creepy Stephen among the standouts). Still can't help but feel that everyone is afraid to tell Tarantino to edit down a smidge. Saw at least 3 places where we could have ended without any significant loss of payoff and ah-HAA! moments.

The Grading Session: 4.891 pengies out of 5. It's the editing, primarily which lost the smidgen of a pengie. Soundtrack was typically eclectic, semi-inspired Tarantino. Always picture him browsing through his music folio, and behaving like a French chef in the marketplace, selecting whatever is fresh, promising and just a little...twisty to pique the palate...and the ear.

Lessons Learned: Stop me if you have heard this before: do not bring your 2 year old to a Tarantino movie. You may think they don't get would be wrong. Next this: is there ever a role which Waltz does not savor like  fine wine or outstanding culinary masterpiece? It is amazing to watch him work: the tiny nuance, the small expressions changing, the timing! Lastly this: why are the rotters in a film worse shots than the Imperial Storm Troopers? Answer: because it is their lot in films to be so.

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